Image thumbnails are rotated in a carousel motion. The user can can utilize the sideways scrolling button underneath them to navigate and choose the item he wants to view better.Hovering the mouse cursor over a thumbnail will show a tooltip with a small...

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The Flash XML Thumbnail Slider component is controlled via an external XML configuration file.This file allows programmers to customize images and their description, adding or removing items, just by editing a few lines of code.Flash XML Thumbnail Slider...

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The XML Horizontal Menu component is controlled via an external XML settings file, which allows users to customize menu items just by editing a few lines of XML code.This means menu items can be added dynamically, adding or removing items on the fly.A XML...

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The component is controlled via an external XML settings file which allows webmasters to customize content just by changing a few lines of code.Items are automatically preloaded and displayed in a horizontal row.Arrows on the side allow a user to scroll...

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Mini Slideshow uses a random transition effect for each of its contained images.At page load the slideshow is started automatically, switching images at a preset interval of time.For each image a text-based caption can be attached and showed with them.The...

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The XML settings file allows developers to add not only the song's location on disk, but also details like the artist's name, song title and album name.Once everything setup and ready, the MP3 Player can be easily deployed online and used to...

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The Free Flash Carousel component shows a series of images using a 3D tilted circle.Hovering over an image will show a small caption text, along with a link.Clicking on an image redirects the user to the aforementioned link.To rotate and navigate the...

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At page load, the Flash 3D Carousel shows a series of photos rotating in a circle.A user can use his mouse to spin the circle in any direction he wants and view only a desired element.Hovering the mouse over an item will reveal a small caption underneath...

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The Simple Vertical Menu component is easy to use and easy to deploy and comes with a XML settings file where the menu's items can be edited, added or removed.This makes the menu ideal for dynamic websites where the menu's structure changes on a regular...

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It comes in different variations, with various masked transition types.The transition effect is triggered at mouse click and can be used as a basis for Flash-based image slideshows.The package contains an example and the .FLA source...

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