Regards is a modern photo viewer. Support high definition screen. Support reading Picture format : JPEG, GIF, PNG, PCX, TGA, TIFF, BMP, Kodak Photo-Cd, JPEG2000, Photoshop PSD, PPM, PGM, Camera Raw, SVG. Support reading Video format : mpeg4, avi,...

Regards is a modern photo viewer. Supports high definition screen. Supports reading Picture format : JPEG, GIF, PNG, PCX, TGA, TIFF, BMP, Kodak Photo-Cd, JPEG2000, Photoshop PSD, PPM, PGM, Camera Raw, SVG. Support reading Video format: mpeg4, avi,...



Regards is a photo viewer and a folder viewer with special search and classification. Support reading Picture format : JPEG, GIF, png, PCX, TGA, TIFF, BMP, Kodak Photo-Cd, JPEG2000, Photoshop, PPM, PGM, Camera Raw and BGP. Support reading Video format...