Easy Configurable Extension for Magento makes it easier for admin to create and manage simple associated products. It creates simple associated products with the selected attributes and displays them in a table which makes it really easy for the admin to...

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It might be possible that you do not want to show the products of a particular category to a particular group of people or you might want to show that the products are out of stock or you do not want to showcase the price. All these things can be...

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Magento Shipping Per Item extension enables store owners to customize the shipping rates according to the type of products and where they are shipped to. while shipping to different countries, specifically to Iceland or Canada, the shipping costs would...

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The Magento Option extended extension helps online stores to make the product custom options dependent. Like different sizes for different genders etc. ou can also add images and HTML note or description to an...

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The Magento Mass Product Actions Extension allows store owners to effectively manage their products. Save time and efforts for while making price adjustments, assigning categories. The Mass Product Actions Extension is Lightweight, fulfills the task with...

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For all those people who think that they would require technical knowledge for the customized invoices, there is good news for you! The best thing about PDF Invoice extension for Magento is; you need no technical knowledge at...

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Promotion Rule Magento extension is a powerful tool to Create personal promotions using customers' account information. Build customer devotion with specials based on order history. The Promotion Rule Extension is Lightweight and easy to...

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