The only one thing that we can't controls is a time. We can only feel how it going. But after installation of this screen saver you can see it. One of technical advantage of this screen saver is possibility to save power when rendering frames. This...

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TrackIt Now

TrackIt Now 0.50 Alpha

This is a very simple personal video monitoring system. If you have a WEB camera or another video capturing device (a video card with video input functionality plus an analog video camera or a digital video camera) you can record everything what happens...

This games first appeared many centuries ago. This type of programs stays popular nowadays because such games do not require much computer resources, simple in use and as a matter of fact - the rules of such games are well known to everybody from the...

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With this program user can turn off, log off, reboot, suspend, or hibernate computer in a defined time or when some action happens. Possible actions are stop WinAmp playing or CPU load level. In addition program has build-in clock synchronization module,...

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