httplib is a comprehensive HTTP client library for manipulating HTTP packets. Current source allows HTTP connections (no SSL) with GET or POST...

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django-indexer is a simple key/value store for indexing meta data on JSON-type...

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django-data-tools is a set of utilities and improvements for managing data (fixtures specifically) in Django.InstallINSTALLED_APPS = (    # ...    'datatools',)CommandsdumpdataAn improved version of the dumpdata...

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django-sphinx is a layer that functions much like the Django ORM does except it works on top of the Sphinx full-text search engine.Please Note: You will need to create your own sphinx indexes and install sphinx on your server to use this app.There will no...

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django-sentry 1.13.5

django-sentry (previously known as django-db-log) provides real-time logging for Django exceptions.Logs Django exceptions to your database handler.(This is a major refactor of django-db-log and is not backwards...

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nexus 0.2.3

nexus is a centralized, pluggable admin app for Django.Install it:pip install nexusEnable it:# settings.pyINSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'nexus',)import nexusnexus.autodiscover()# urls.pyurlpatterns = patterns('', ('^nexus/',...

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nexus-memcache is a memcache plugin for nexus.Nexus is a pluggable admin application in Django. It's designed to give you a simple design and architecture for building admin applications.Requirements:cursor-pointer" onclick="spovl3hide();"> System...

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