
PouchDB 5.2.0 updated

PouchDB is a complete implementation of the CouchDB storage and views API. PouchDB is written for IndexedDatabase (part of HTML5) and will allow applications and websites to continue working the same way even offline. When the user goes back online, all...

Numerous database operations are supported.Features:List all active tasks List DB list View and edit the CouchDB config View session info Create new DB users Authenticate on the database Delete current user session details Create a database Delete a...

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It is not a complete implementation, but it's playable.Comes with support for ghosts, scoring, keyboard shortcuts, levels, lifes, bonuses and more.Uses modern HTML 5 features like localStorage, Audio, Canvas and @font-face.Requirements:JavaScript enabled...

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It is not a complete implementation, but it's playable.The entire gameplay rellies on keeping the mouse button pressed to keep the helicopter in the air.If the mouse button is down, the helicopter goes up. If the mouse button is released, the helicopter...

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