
Hypher 0.2.4 updated

Hyphenation is a common typographic practice, cutting words at the end of a line and displaying the rest of the word on the next line.Web browsers don't support this feature by default, and the ones that do, are terrible at it.Hypher is a JavaScript...


jLayout 0.17

The library provides methods for manipulating grid elements, borders, margins, layout flow, minimum sizes, adjustable margin lines, etc..These methods can be used to let the developer control his page programmatically, via JavaScript code.The developer...



JSON is a light-weight, language independent, data interchange format. It's extremely used online, mostly for storing and transporting structured data.XSLTJSON was created to help developers stuck with a XML feed, or a collection of XML files. With the...

There's an obvious problem with font rendering, not only for the Web, but for desktop applications as well.While desktop environments don't concern Web developers, browser font rendering does, which indirectly brings all the desktop-based problems into...