Have you ever needed a light-weight search and replace tool that can work with either single files or multiple files. Replace It can easily search and replace multiple files within a specified folder, replacing all instances of your specific string with...

Calendar Express allows you to generate an HTML page with your calendar events quickly and easily, formatting it with colors and fonts, just the way you would like. Once the Web file is generated, you can FTP/publish the file to your Web site directly...

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DMT lets developers manage their MSDE, SQL Server, MySQL, and MS Access databases from one convenient location. The visual Query Builder allows you to visually create and save often used queries for later use. Create, Delete and Edit table structure and...

August Wind Software's Mobile Adapter Tool provides an easy way to generate the SharePoint entries in the Compat.Browser file and the web.confg file necessary to use your own custom Mobile Adapter. Not only can you generate and insert the entries, but...

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SiteMap Creator is the perfect tool for creating and editing ASP.Net SiteMap files. These files can be used with breadcrumbs and menus inside any ASP.Net application. No longer do you need to continue the laborious chore of creating and maintaining...

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ASP Express provides extensive automation for laborious ASP/ASP.Net (including 2.0) chores without having to give up the necessary HTML automation needed to provide ASP documents, allowing you the flexibility of an HTML text editor while giving you the...

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Code 'n' Sprox

Code 'n' Sprox

Code 'n' Sprox is the perfect tool for creating Insert or Update Stored Procedures and then creating either a class from the data or the C# or VB.Net code to use them. No longer do you need to use Management Studio, create Insert/Update statements from...

spSolution Manager is the perfect solution for SharePoint 2010 Farm Solution Management. No longer do you need to open SharePoint Management Shell, remember the syntax for Adding/Installing/Uninstalling/Removing Farm solutions. Plus, you don't need to...

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