Counts down to the next race of the NASCAR Nextel Cup, Busch Series, Craftsman Truck Series, or A1GP. Simply double-click on the orb and open up the panel. Double-click again to close it. This version is the first release on CNET is new...

During the month of July, the prestigous Tour de France has been running since 1903, 2006 being its 93rd annual tour. Le Tour de France 2006 keeps you up to date with the stage, time in France, km of the stage, and the day's date. By right-clicking on the...

Cubic Inch Converter converts cubic inches into liters and liters into cubic inches. This version is the first release on CNET is new in this release:This version is the first release on CNET Download.comRequirements:Windows 2000/XP,...

You know how in qualifying for a race, they give you the MPH and seconds of a lap time (or, for others KMH and seconds)? Well, this Widget will calculate a lap interval to give you the average miles per hour during the race when you sit there wondering...