Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit updated

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit prevents exploits from compromising vulnerable code with three layers of security around popular browsers and applications. Popular software programs contain millions of line of code. Bad guys exploit flaws (vulnerabilities)...

Powerful and versatile PC protection, is designed as a social project. Functions: scanner, firewall, proactive protection and usb antivirus. Completely free for an indefinite period. Supports all of the system up to windows 8.1 x64. The interface is very...


Picword 1.3

Picword is a simple app that allows users to log in to their computers in a new modern fashion. Your goal is to lock the screen once by putting targets on the selected picture. Targets can be Single click, Long click and Connect. All of these are...

W32/StartPage Free Trojan Removal Tool will detect and remove W32/StartPage Trojan completely, from your system. Download cleanstartpage.exe and save it in a temporary directory. Double click on cleanstartpage.exe to execute it. Follow the user-friendly...