Mobile Number Locator and Tracer helps to Track mobile number for its network, services, and zone where it is working. A desktop application to trace location and network just searching by the cell number. Apart of this we can also add database with MNP...

People Search Lite integrates on every page of your Intranet portal to quickly find employee contact information. Based on Active Directory, no need for User Profiles. Define fields to present in search results. Shows employee photo. Small size to...

J-Voice Search is a voice search tool for Google based on Java Speech API and CloudGarden's TalkingJava SDK. It lets you search in the Google by your voice. Features include voice search and manual search, at a time searching for web, images, videos,...


PubSearch 1.0

With PubSearch you can search for publications of an author in more publication databases at one time. PubSearch can crawl also "cited by" publications transitively for you! You can export publications to citation formats. You can add your own format...

Your personal Price Comparison and Search Wizard that puts YOU in control of which websites to search. It automatically learns how the search mechanism works on the sites you choose so that you can search multiple websites in a single click. ...

Keyword Whiz lets you look up search engines for keywords. With Keyword Whiz you can quickly scrape: Google, Bing, You Tube, Blekko, Amazon, Yahoo and UQ (Unanswered Questions). The software also allows you to to filter only keywords that are 2, 3, 4, 5,...


GoogleIt 1.0

GoogleIt is an awesome gadget that runs in the background and let's you google anything form anywhere on your screen without opening your web browser. That is why GoogleIt is the handiest program web users can have. Imagine writing a long essay, or having...

Cute Web Phone number Extractor will get your desired numbers whatsoever is there on popular search engines i.e. Bing, Google, Yahoo. Cute Web Phone number Extractor is a very powerful and reliable tool to extract Phone numbers from...


Auctionfinder 1.0.5521

Create auction profiles The auction profiles contain all the conditions for the Internet search and implies that you select the desired website, as well as other criteria. You need to specify the keywords for the search, as well as the number of pages...

Alexa Data Scraper for a data harvesting utility to periodically query Alexa for domain statistics. You provide a list of urls and then perform a query that will autonomously poll Alexa for ranking statistics for all your domains. You can only query a...