
Tinker 6.2.04

Tinker is a complete and general package for molecular mechanics and dynamics, with some special features for biopolymers. TINKER has the ability to use any of several common parameter sets, such as Amber (ff94, ff96, ff98, ff99,and ff99SB), CHARMM (19,...

Tinker is a complete and general package for molecular mechanics and dynamics, with some special features for biopolymers. TINKER has the ability to use any of several common parameter sets, such as Amber (ff94, ff96, ff98, ff99,and ff99SB), CHARMM (19,...



Hydrognomon is a free software application for the analysis and processing of hydrological data, mainly in the form of time series. Hydrological data analysis consists of time series processing applications, such as time step aggregation and...


OpenBabel 2.3.2a

Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It's an open, collaborative project allowing anyone to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry,...


proTRAC 1.0

proTRAC is an unique and handy tool for probabilistic piRNA cluster detection, visualization, and analysis. proTRAC shows higher sensitivity and selectivity compared to hitherto applied methods of cluster detection. The significance of the observed...