Lineage II: Goddess of Destruction is a free to play MMORPG. While the whole story and world of the game is freely available, there are premium options available in the game's store. The story in Lineage II: Goddess of Destruction revolves around Shilen,...

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DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online

Play the part of your favorite DC Comic super hero. Choose all the major DC Comic heroes, Seperate servers for USA and Europe, Great graphics and sound effects, Free version available. Not as deep as City of...

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Play online as a super hero or super villain!. Tons of content, Fantastic character creation, Easy to get into, Excellent cooperative play. Getting...

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A role-playing game set in the Pokémon world. Roleplay and traditional video game elements, Collect your favorite pokemons as you venture through levels. Out-of-date graphics and...

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Dofus 1.29

Dofus is a unique, fun and free MMORPG. This version is lighter than current version Dofus 2 and is perfect for less powerful computers. Dofus 1.29 is borne from a conflict between two magical cities. It all begins when the Dofus dragon eggs disappear....

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