During a celebration, a mysterious organ grinder appears, selling fortune cards for a penny. When the first victim falls prey to a mysterious beast, you rush to discover who this organ grinder is and what he wants. He claims revenge for the death of an...

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Travel the magical world of Enchantia as you go on your quest to stop the Phoenix Queen. Meet the different races and creatures of this fantasy world and discover the story behind the Phoenix Queen, as you seek out your destiny and learn about your...

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You come to the city library to investigate the case of three teenagers gone missing. It turns out that the former owner of the library, the Alchemist, kidnapped the souls of three readers and planted them in the book "Romeo and Juliet". They are to live...

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Sarah receives shocking news from her father. One of the newest members in the Order of the Griffins has turned traitor, murdering one of the Secret Five, the heads of the Order. What's worse is that very traitor is about to join the Secret Five, and he's...

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When Esther Ambrose receives a letter from her uncle prompting her to attend a meeting with a mysterious man, she can't possibly understand what it will lead to. Her journey will take her across time and space, as she tries to right old wrongs and...

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Help Angelica get her witch-stolen beauty back in Witch Hunters: Stolen Beauty! One evening, Angelica's grandma started talking of her old days at school. Grandma said that she had run away from the finishing school she attended because the director of...

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The family saga continues when your nephew Brandon encounters the mysterious Stone Queen in a lonely mountain town. She used to protect the miners here, but now she's out for revenge! You must discover the truth behind the queen's anger and save both...

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The only person that could bring you back to Pilgrim's Hook has called you out of the blue. Return to your childhood home and save your twin brother from the dark forces that have invaded this coastal village. The few remaining residents of Pilgrim's Hook...

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Your murderous half-sister has escaped, and you've got the last piece of your father's treacherous film projector. The breakout success story returns for an encore as you uncover the truth about your father's dark secrets and find out who's really behind...

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The Order of the Keepers has been like your second family, ever since you discovered it tied to your own past. But when you're summoned to Spain to investigate a dead archaeologist, you're swept into a confrontation with ancient evil forces that have been...

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