CNS Menu

CNS Menu 1.1.12

CNS Menu allows you to place hierarchal menus anywhere on a FileMaker layout. When a menu item is chosen, the script of your choice in the database of your choice is performed. Menus can have any number of sub menus and can be displayed with a variety of...

SMTPit Pro

SMTPit Pro 4.1.13

SMTPit Pro is a next generation email plug-in for FileMaker Pro 7 and greater. SMTPit Pro is built from the ground up taking advantage of years of plug-in development knowledge and the latest FileMaker plug-in API. SMTPit Pro provides a vast array of...

CNS Image

CNS Image 1.0.5

CNS Image can import images into container fields and export images from container fields. What the plug-in can do with images while in FileMaker is where it gets interesting. Imagine importing a folder of digital photos into FileMaker. There are several...


SmartGit 8.1p1 updated

SmartGit is an efficient user interface for Git, focussing on simplicity and targeting non-experts and people who prefer a graphical application over command line usage. The current version of SmartGit supports those Git features which are required for...

JIRA Client

JIRA Client 3.8.4 updated

JIRA Client is a desktop front-end for Atlassian JIRA issue tracker. JIRA Client integrates seamlessly with existing JIRA installations and allows frequent JIRA users to save time, manage issues effectively, concentrate on execution and work offline. Key...


SmartSVN 9.3p6 updated

SmartSVN is a platform-independent Subversion (SVN) client. Although it contains very powerful features, it is very easy to use, especially for users of SmartCVS who switched to Subversion. SmartSVN is self-contained, no need to install seperate...


SmartCVS 7.1.9 updated

SmartCVS Professional is a very powerful and still easy to use CVS client which contains all required tools (e.g. SSH-client, file compare). It runs on all major platforms (Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/98/ME, Linux, Solaris, MacOSX). Major features include: ...

REALbasic plugin which gives access to QuickDraw routines in MacOS. The REALbasic garbage collector has also been connected to the toolbox to simplify its usage ($69 is for all of the Einhugur Plugins)What is new in this release:REALbasic 5.5 support....

The MaskEditField is a REALbasic plugin class which inherits from EditField, to do masked text input.($69 is for the entire Einhugur Plugin pack)What is new in this release: Fixed a problem with setting the mask more than once. The control now attempts to...


Grid 3.2

REALbasic spreadsheet Grid control plugin. ($69 is for the entire Einhugur plugin pack)What is new in this release:Added a ControlCreated Event. Added a MoveSelectionLeft method which will take into account hidden columns. Added a MoveSelectionRight...