Pop Up Blocker automatically blocks spyware and adware pop-up ads. It also helps you choose which windows to close with the block list feature. This means the more you use Pop Up Blocker, the fewer pop-up ads you see. Pop Up Blocker blocks advertisement...

You can limit the maximum number of opened windows. The program does not use and does not install external libraries. While being installed and uninstalled it causes no problems with Windows. Pop-up Cleaner is tested and is successfully working with...

Annoying pop-up ads frequently disturb your sights and occupy your system resources when you surf the Internet. How can you clear them out? Ad Popup Killer is your best choice; your trouble will be gone. When you open a page that includes pop-up...

Unwanted Popups are not only steal bandwidth from your other legitimate downloads but also reduce the Internet connection browsing speed. Worse yet, you need to close those popups one by one manually. Once you have A-PopupKiller, you can get rid of those...

Pop Cop

Pop Cop

Besides handling an endless list of different pop windows and mechanisms Pop Cop also blocks four different levels of advertisements and immediately removes the associated cookies and scripts that can be used to monitor or spy on your surfing behavior....

Tired of those annoying pop-up windows that appear on your screen when you're surfing the Web? Zero Ad works with all popular Internet browsers , stopping all unsolicited pop-up ads. It reduces the visual clutter to save you time and give back you an...