
CZ-Doc2Txt 3.0.030225

CZ-Doc2Txt is a text converter that supports batch conversion from word processing documents (doc, rtf, html format and almost any other format that microsoft word will support) to text files. This utility works with Microsoft Word 95 or higher. Key...

Minos Album

Minos Album

Minos Album can be saved as standalone EXE file. It also offers thumbnail navigation and optional background sound. The (Flash) interface can be customized with a background image of your choice. The Minos album is Flash based, the program can also...

The professionals' choice for setting up mechanical and page markings. This powerful XTension will set up crop marks, guides and dimension arrows for bleed, trim, safety (live area), folds and page gutters. Color-coded guides and precise dimension arrows,...


FlashPoint 3.50

Flash Photo Album Creator is a powerful and fascinating tool to create flash photo album which enables you to take your own photos and music to generate a personalized and stunning flash photo album just need one click as long as you can use PowerPoint....