FlyingPages PDF Imposition

FlyingPages PDF Imposition updated

FlyingPages is a professional PDF imposition software program. It is ideal for digital printing, as well as traditional offset printing. FlyingPages supports the following binding methods. Perfect Bound, Saddle Stitched, Step and Repeat, Cut and Stack,...

The software installs as a virtual print driver, which allows users to click the print button in any application to create a PDF file. Users can choose the page size and orientation, resolution, fonts to be embedded. It allows documents to be encrypted,...

The software installs as a virtual print driver, which means users need only click the print button in any application to create a PDF file. Users can choose the page size and orientation, resolution, and whether a font should be embedded or not. It...

Transform AFP documents to PDF files with enterprise class software in high volume environment. The software enables PC users to convert AFP to PDF files by uploading or dropping AFP files into a hot folder and obtaining the conversion result in Adobe PDF...

PDF server operates as an application server on Windows and features a web service interface for Java and PHP. Free program libraries for Java and PHP are available in order to enable the PDF server web service to be integrated into your own applications...