Password Keeper

Password Keeper

Password Keeper is designed to help you store all your passwords in a safe location, a protected database. You may easily sort the passwords by the websites / accounts which you created them for, by entering the URL, username and keyphrase. The program is...

StrongPasswords Ultimate - portable password generator varying degrees of complexity, and password Keeper. Registering accounts on social networks, email clients and other services, each user is faced with the necessity of inventing a password. It is...

KeypItSafe Password Vault safely stores your website passwords on your computer. With only a few clicks you can transfer all of your saved passwords to a USB drive and immediately have access to them on virtually any computer. You only have to remember...

Random Password Generator (RPG) allows you to create random passwords that are secure and difficult to crack or guess due to an optional combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols. Select the length of password and it...

MobileWitch Pass-Safe is strong, innovative PC password manager software that also extends its utility over Pocket PCs or mobile phones providing highly encrypted passwords. You can have all your user names, passwords, PIN codes, credit cards, calling...

Your entire digital life is stored behind passwords. Keeping these passwords safe and unique has never been more important. Yet at the same time these passwords need to be easily accessible and never forgotten. Using password manager software is a really...

Phrozen Password Revealer is very simple and efficient password recovery tool. It will analyse some of the best known web browsers for some data and then decipher that data. It also supports Windows Live Messenger (MSN) and Windows RAS (VPN Credentials...

GPassword Manager is a simple utility for managing and accessing passwords. This is not simply just a password manager, this is your secure launchpad to the internet. You can access your most-used passwords/URLs right out of a desktop tray icon. It...

Hash Suite is an efficient auditing tool for Windows password hashes (LM, NTLM, and Domain Cached Credentials also known as DCC or MSCash). The GUI is simple, yet uses modern features offered by Windows 7. Besides the password security auditing program...