One of the most popular features in reporting tools is exporting the results to Excel for further analyses. As Excel is the daily tool of anyone dealing with numbers, the need to use additional external reporting tool just for getting the data into your...

Turn your inbox into a task-tracking system with SSW eXtreme Emails. Dont let your inbox get out of control. Manage your email effectively with SSW eXtreme Emails. Allocate tasks, set priorities, assign due dates, and get progress reports without...

PowerShrink lets you quickly and easily compresses industry-standard PDF and Microsoft Office files for superior results and savings. PowerShrink is redesigned to be simple and easy to use for new and experienced users. With our new comfortable user...

Share Outlook contacts without Exchange server. Use any existing SQL data source including MS Access. Special support for notebook users. Also supports mailing lists in Outlook contacts.Definable administrator permissions and conflict management. Easy to...

Learn how Mondrichart helped to analyze PDA market shares Mondrichart helps you impress your audience. Whether you are working in a consulting firm, in a marketing or financial department, or anywhere in the corporate world, you certainly need Mondrichart...

Import Wizard includes Add-Ins for Access and Excel and a standalone program. Import Wizard imports various data files such as: csv (delimited) and fixed width files, non-standard text files, report spool files from a mainframe systems, HTML and Excel...