
CDBoomkars 0.0.1

CDBoomkars is a simple Python app to easy bookmark directories on your filesystem.InstallTo install you can use the script:python installor the pip command:pip install cdbookmarksConfigureTo configure cdbookmarks you only have to add the...


ma-shell 0.2

ma-shell is a full featured XMLRPC XML-RPC spec client that enables remote command invocation from a text terminal.InstallInstall from source: python installInstall with pip: pip install ma-shellUsageThe online documentation can be...


pyssf 0.4.7

pyssf is a collection of modules which form an uniform integration point for Grid/Cloud/Cluster products. If provides several front-ends which can easily be used to build complete Services or integrate products with your products.It aims to deliver...

PurePostPro provides an upload post-processor for Pure-FTPd.PurePostPro is a Perl/MySQL script that enables user uploads to be managed more easily. New uploads are logged in a MySQL database, and duplicate files are tracked using MD5 checksums.The script...

sftp-cloudfs is a SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) interface to Rackspace Cloud Files and OpenStack Object Storage, providing a service that acts as a proxy between a SFTP client and a remote files/storage service.The username/password pair used to...


TermSaver 0.2

TermSaver simple text-based screensaver for terminal windows.The motivation behind this project is basically pure boredom (laughs). Seriously, it may look like nonsense to have a screensaver look-alike program running on a terminal window. Nonetheless,...


pdnsd 1.2.9-par

pdnsd, written by Thomas Moestl, is a proxy DNS server with permanent caching (the cache contents are written to hard disk on exit) that is designed to cope with unreachable or down DNS servers (for example in dial-in networking).pdnsd solves a frequently...