This package includes all you need to run a Visual J# .NET application on a machine with the .NET Framework installed. It is not intended to run applications written with other Java-language development tools. Applications and services built with VJ#...

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Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 1 provides the latest updates to the .NET Framework. Service Pack 1 is highly recommended for all users of the .NET Framework, including customers of Visual Studio .NET. This version is the first release on CNET...

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Find these HTML templates to be an excellent starting point when beginning to build out dynamic, data-driven Web sites with Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Web Developer. It will give both designers and developers deep insight into their...

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Find these HTML templates to be an excellent starting point when beginning to build out dynamic, data-driven Web sites with Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Web Developer. It will give both designers and developers deep insight into their...

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The smart documents resume sample code includes a customizable template that job candidates can use to submit resumes in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. It also includes a sample Web service and sample resume database for transferring and storing...

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