
Flutter 0.1.18

With Flutter, play and pause your songs, movies, and shows with gestures using hand. It detects your gestures through the webcam and responds according to it. It can control Windows Media Player, Spotify, Quicktime, Winamp and iTunes. Flutter sits...

GNU Solfege

GNU Solfege

GNU Solfege is a program that will help you to accomplish ear training. The program includes exercises to train chords, intervals, and rhythms. The program can be extended by users using lesson files.What is new in this release:Version has fixed...

Midipiano_chung is a standalone midi acoustic piano synthesizer which plays piano samples based sounds as midi data incomes in the selected midi input ports (up to 3 if any) of your computer or on the inscreen piano keyboard. easily customizable by...



Stoffi is a simple & free music player. It is easy to use and blends in perfectly with Windows 7. The extensive codec support and ability to stream anything from YouTube gives you access to a vast amount of music. Key features include a queue, history,...

Table Rock Sound is an incredible program designed to cut your learning time. Open, select a song, practice, slow down, speed up, loop and repeat, mute other instruments, tune. . You can search and import thousands of free Guitar Pro and PowerTab table...


AS-Piano 1.0

AS-Piano uses the computers MIDI-device for playback. You can play either with your keyboard (C, D, E, F, G, A, B) or with the mouse pointer, when you play with the keyboard you combine with [SHIFT] to play sharp. There are 128 different MIDI instruments...