GeoMapLookup displays information about the geographical location of your current IP address or any hostname or IP you enter. GeoMapLookup provides a link to show the location using the native Maps application on your iPhone or iPod touch. You can also...


iWebSaver 1.0

iWebSaver allows you to save your favorite Web sites, apps, and widgets to your iPhone or iPod touch through the magic of data: URLs. You can view Web pages and use many great WebApps even in Airplane Mode and its free. iWebSaver also works great on...

RSS Builder lets you create your own iPhone RSS feed for your site or blog. Just enter your RSS or Atom feed and submit it and you will get an Iphone RSS application with your own unique URL that you can use on your...

Drive and jump on elevated ramps in a 3D stunt car. The name suggests that it differs from other racing games in that here you need to drive on elevated ramps instead of a highway. The objective is to stay on the ramp and drive as fast as you...


Gno 1.0

Professor Phileas Gno, the renowned scholar and world traveller, is looking for some enthusiastic research assistants to help him organize his card catalog of world knowledge. Visit the Gno mansion with your friend, and with a little brainwork, a dash of...


iDetect 1.0

iDetect is a must have application when you are out of the house with your iTouch. Visual signals tell you at a glance if you are connected to the net, and the quality of your connection. There is no easier way to find a connection while...