ReFlex Gallery

ReFlex Gallery 3.1.5 updated

The plugin integrates the responsive jQuery image slideshow plugin FlexSlider with WordPress.It allows admins to create and embed multiple image galleries that adapt to the screen size and with responsive themes. Installation:Unpack and upload it to the...

In plain words, this module lets visitors login using their Facebook credentials (username and password). Installation:In the Joomla backend, to the "Extensions" -> "Install/Unistall" section.Upload the package's ZIP archive file.Features:The module...

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The Countdown comes as a sidebar widget for the free version, and with an additional shortcode generator for the PRO license, for extra embedding possibilities.Setting it up is extremely easy, and lots of customization options are...

WP Embed Facebook

WP Embed Facebook 1.9.5 updated

WP Embed Facebook uses a very simple shortcode to let editors pull & embed Facebook content inside their pages. The shortcode is: [facebook=URL], with the width=xxx raw=true attributes being optional. Using this shortcode on pages and posts allows...

IK Facebook takes a person's Facebook profile ID, parses recent activity and embeds it on the site as a regular sidebar widget.The plugin should work perfectly if the proper Facebook app ID credentials are given to it.Installation:Unpack and upload it to...


Bookings 5.0.0 updated

Allows embedding a booking form and managing the reservations in the WP backend.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is new in this release:Performance...


Relevanssi 3.4.2 updated

The plugin replaces the default WP partial-match search tool with a results by relevance utility, which also indexes comments and shortcode content.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the...

Account Lock

Account Lock 1.1.1

The 'Account Lock' plugin enables administrators to lock/disable accounts, without actually deleting or blocking access to the user's created content.The plugin works only by disabling login access, and not deleting any user details.The free, Lite...

The 'Folder Menu' component adds a totally new menu system to Joomla.A back-end administration page is provided where the menu can be activated and customized.The commercial license simply allows to show the menu on a site without a link back to the...

Revive Old Post

Revive Old Post 7.0.6 updated

Designed primarily for larger websites with hundreds or more posts, Revive Old Post helps webmasters keep older content alive by constantly driving social media traffic to them via new tweets.This way not only is the website's traffic driven up, but so is...