
Percent 7.0

Percent lets you quickly calculate percentages such as tips, added taxes and price discounts. Easily find a percentage from an amount entered. Calculate the percentage of any number out of any number. Calculate any amount plus any percentage (such as a...

Runge (32-bit) is an interactive solver for systems of ordinary differential equations. It solves initial value problem. It supports English and Russian languages, allows exporting results to MS Excel and MATLAB, allows you to implement and embed your own...

Runge (64-bit) is an interactive solver for systems of ordinary differential equations. It solves initial value problem. It supports English and Russian languages, allows exporting results to MS Excel and MATLAB, allows you to implement and embed your own...

GetDP (64-bit) is a scientific software environment for the numerical solution of integral-differential equations, open to the coupling of physical problems (electromagnetic and thermal) as well as of numerical methods (finite element method, integral...

GetDP (32-bit) is a scientific software environment for the numerical solution of integral-differential equations, open to the coupling of physical problems (electromagnetic and thermal) as well as of numerical methods (finite element method, and integral...


FizzyCalc 1.2.11

FizzyCalc is a Windows application that allows simple conversion of coordinates to various formats. It takes coordinate strings in a variety of formats and generates copy-and-paste versions of those coordinates in a variety of other formats. FizzyCalc...