Mini Calculator

Mini Calculator

Alternative Windows Mini Calculator with 2 views, general functions, Dec-Hex-Oct-Bin integers. Colorful, has tips and precision control. And Loan Calculator is also included. It has 2 operating windows - for result and for input. Accumulator - Memory mode...


Sequalator 1.20.1

Sequalator stands for Simultaneous Equations Calculator. It is a software for solving Linear Simultaneous Equations. The solver is based on the Gauss Jordan elimination method for solving Linear Simultaneous Equations. Sequalator is free software! You...


Googol+ 2.4

Arbitrary Precision Calculator for Windows with basic to very advanced features like factoring, continued fractions calculation, primality testing and much more. With this calculator you can handle numbers with hundreds, thousands or even millions of...

Fatih Software Math Educator is a simple tool to teach kids addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Easy-using and redesignable interface are just some of the ultimate features of Math Educator.What is new in this release:Version 2.0 is a bug...


SigmaGraph 2.6.0

SigmaGraph is a data plotting and analysis software designed to be lightweight, reliable and easy to use. SigmaGraph runs on XP, Vista and Windows 7/8, and will be ported to GNU/Linux. SigmaGraph offers almost all the functionality needed by scientists...