Calculator Plus is a window-based scientific calculator plus a lot more all of the standard functions such as Tangient, sine, cosine, arcsine, arccosine, arctangent. Calculator plus is also a conversion utility. Convert lengths and distances, temperature,...

From the developer: "Actual Fractions is advanced calculator for simple fractions. With this calculator, you can do operations with fractions, with the integer parts, numerators and denominators. Includes four rules of arithmetic, 'Reduce fractions',...

From the developer: "equations, choose colors, and choose line types, you can see the graph. MoNooN Grapher 3DP enables you to modify the graph color, graph line type, background color, and insert new graph(maximum 30 graphs), move the graph, zoom it....

AceIT Calculator is a FREE, comprehensive, easy to use expression calculator, featuring a unique workspace where you can directly enter your expressions to be evaluated. The workspace stores all of your inputs and results, letting you examine and edit any...

From the developer: ""BetterCalc is designed to solve complex mathematical expressions, and can handle parenthesis and exponents. It respects and plays by the mathematical orders of operation. BetterCalc features a unique shortcuts feature which allows...

From the developer: "MoNooN Grapher 3DR is the simple software that draws and shows the graph of the 3-dimensional mathematical functions in rectangular coordinates. If you input equations, choose colors, you can see the graph. MoNooN Grapher 3DR enables...

From the developer: ""Conversion Utility consisting of more then 1000 units. Reduces Calculation time and efforts. Can add more units to it. Saves time and increases productivity. Faster reporting for decision-making, and reduced operational...