Quick Conversion

Quick Conversion 10.3 updated

Lite version converts several units of length. Plus version converts length, weight and capacity measures. By typing a number into box provided will instantly display the results without the user having to search through a confusing menu of choices. Great...



WhatsOP, a linear optimization software, putting the emphasis on what-if analysis, using a recipe-like language to setup the linear equations for a particular optimization problem. WhatsOP uses a unique concept of mathematical modeling, which eliminates...

Math Science Quest is a fun way to learn the fundamental reasoning skills that are the essence of scientific method. It can be played as an individual puzzle or a multi-player game. Players explore a complex mathematical puzzle attempting to find all the...

Prime Number Spiral

Prime Number Spiral 9.00 updated

The Prime Number Spiral (a.k.a. the Ulam Spiral) is constructed as follows: Consider a rectangular grid. We start with the central point and arrange the positive integers in a spiral fashion (anticlockwise). The prime numbers are then marked. There is a...

Remember times when you went to school and had trouble getting your hands on the right materials? It was frustrating and it made studying even more annoying than it normally was. And what was one of the hardest subjects for almost any kid? Math, of...

Based on my Times Tables program (also available for free here) this focuses on improving division and mental arithmetic skills. The first level is very straightforward and suitable for beginners whilst further levels increase in difficulty. Certificate...