RTG Conflicts

RTG Conflicts 1.07 updated

RTG Conflicts helps law firms avoid conflicts of interest. You enter the names of potential clients and opposing parties, then RTG Conflicts lists the possible conflicts by rapidly searching through the names of the firm's clients and matters. RTG...


Depreciator 1.4.6

Depreciator creates asset depreciation schedules for accounting and tax return preparation. You can depreciate assets using the Prime Cost, Diminishing Value or Write Off methods. Although it handles these most common forms of asset depreciation, it is...

TrademarkHunter searches for, downloads, and manages trademarks from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Create search sessions and search reports, and e-mail trademarks directly to third parties. The simple and intuitive interface provides easy...

Built upon the success of PatentHunter v2.0, PatentHunter v3.5 searches, downloads, and manages patents for free from the U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) and European Patent Office (EPO) Web sites in PDF and HTML formats. E-mail patents directly to...


WinTariff 2.06.11

WinTariff, it is a program to collect and process information about telephone calls. The program receives data from the office PBX about date/time of the phone call, duration, dialed number. WinTariff stores data to the hard disk of the computer and uses...