
HotkeyP 4.8.2 updated

Keyboard shortcuts and mouse shortcuts can be assigned to any executable file, document, folder or web page. You can use all multimedia keys, the fourth and fifth mouse buttons, mouse wheel, joystick and remote control (if you install WinLIRC). Other...

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If you have lots of files, folders, or programs, you must wade through them to find the one you are after. Most people open the same files, folders, and programs over and over again. But they are hard to find and reach because they are buried among all...

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JumpPanel 1.0

JumpPanel is a useful tool that you can add to your Windows operating system (Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7).It allows you to create shortcuts to files and documents, and to see alerts when shared documents are changed or when new documents are...

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LunaPutty 0.0001

LunaPutty is a simple utility that allows you to open multiple PuTTY windows in a pre-determined layout. No longer must you waste time opening all of your PuTTY windows and spreading them strategically across your monitor. All it takes now is a...

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CuteStart 1.0

CuteStart is a launcher that let you freely group your shortcuts. With CuteStart, you don't have to look for your applications or files in deep level menus. It gives you a straightforward view of all shortcuts. No tabs, no sub menus. You can see all of...

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LaunchBox 0.5.3

The LaunchBox is a small tool that sits in your system tray and acts as a shortcut bank to files on your computer, directories, applications, and/or websites. Save time by storing shortcuts in the LaunchBox rather than navigating through countless folders...

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A small utility that will enable you to shutdown, hibernate, log off, reboot your computer at a precise time. You can use Mz Shutdown Scheduler to restart, hibernate, log off, shutdown and force shutdown your workstation whenever you like, depending on...

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RunMe is a launcher for windows with eye candy effects and an elegant interface designed for launching applications. You can create groups of your favorite applications, customize it with skins, adjust effects, use it as a start menu replacement, place it...

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LaunchMeNot is an application launcher which can automatically launch your favorite applications on startup and give you the option to cancel. It can juggle applications normally managed using Windows from one location. It features launch applications on...

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