
kded-appmenu 0.9.20

kded-appmenu is a module for kded that's able to display an application menubar placed on the top of the screen, display an application menu by using a titlebar button, and force krunner-appmenu to work with this app.To build it, execute the following...

fsrunner for KRunner is a KDE Runner that maintains a database of your files and or directories and allows you to search them.It was built as an alternative to nepomuk, quick access to your files without nepomuk's resource imprint. Under testing nepomuk...


kio-locate 0.5.3

The missing kio-locate add-on for KDE SC 4.x.Developer commentsAfter switching to KDE4 I really missed this add-on. Since it was not maintained any longer I had to port it myself.Thanks to Armin Straub, Tobi Vollebregt and Michael Schuerig for their great...


lprinter-qt 0.5.3

lprinter-qt is a KDE service menu to print text files and images with fitplot options.Installation:copy this on $HOME/.kde/share/kde4/servicesWhat is new in this release:OpenOffice odt files added What is new in version 0.5.2:fixed and error for files...

VBox Runner

VBox Runner 0.3.3

VBox Runner is a small KRunner module that allows you to run your VirtualBox virtual machines from KRunner.What is new in this release:Show VM state in subtext (running/stopped) What is new in version 0.3:Added second action: launch a VM in headless...


BeClock 0.18

BeClock is a simple clock, implemented as KWin Effect.- This is NO plasmoid!- You need active desktop FX to use this clock- The idea is somewhat experimentalInstallation:tar -xjf beclock-kwin-fx.x.y.tbzcd beclock-kwin-fxmkdir buildcd buildcmake...

Comic Book Trasformer is a KDE4 service menu designed to make more easy the generation of Comic Book files in CBR, CBZ or PDF formats. Provide options to scale to different resolutions and transform to gray for use in ebooks.Install this packages:*...