Inspired by Masonry and Isotope's interactive grids, jQuery.waterfall is a simple re-implementation of the same principles, but with a different approach.jQuery.waterfall can be used to create grid column layouts that re-shuffle elements from one column...

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The "jQuery.resizestop (and resizestart)" plugin allows developers to have more control over how resize events are handled when developing Web apps and websites on top the jQuery JavaScript framework.The plugin handles this by adding extra callbacks for...

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W3C's Page Visibility API defines a standard for site developers to programmatically detect the current visibility state of the page.By page visibility and it's state, the API refers to minimized browser windows, active windows, maximized browser window -...

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The plugin enhances jQuery UI's ui-draggable element.It modifies it so instead of one object, it can move multiple items at once.Usage instructions are included with the download package.What is new in this release:Minimal drag-multiple...

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jQuery Element Diff works with client-side (browsers) and server-side (Node.js) environments. Usage instructions are included with the package's README file.What is new in this release:Updated file. Requirements:JavaScript enabled on client...

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jQuery All Attributes overrides the built-in $.fn.attr method for retrieving all attributes used inside a DOM element instead of returning null.Usage instructions are included with the package's README file.The plugin works with client-side (browsers) and...

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#grid 9

The grid can be held into place, and toggled between, displaying it in the foreground or background.#grid comes set up with a 980px-wide container that includes 20px gutters, and assumes one lead of 20px.A second 660px-wide container is included to show...

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Clicking on a panel will either make it expand or collapse, depending on its current state.The plugin supports pre-load panel states, for already opened or closed panels. Tested in: Safari, Chrome, IE6+, Firefox3+, Opera10+.Features:Plugin configuration...

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sizeMatch 0.1.2

The sizeMatch jQuery plugin can modify just the height, just the width, or both at the same time.It can also use the element's natural dimensions or utilize its outer height and outer width values instead.It is recommended the developer uses a "domReady"...

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Scrollyeah 0.3.2

By default, when resizing a page, floated elements are stacked vertically one under each other, fitting on rows as they can.Scrollyeah creates a virtual horizontal box where all floated elements are kept horizontally aligned.The box can be scrolled via...

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