Compile Plus

Compile Plus updated

"Compile Plus" is an extension of "Program Plus" with prepared for compilation actions and options. Compilation for the next types of files is prepared: C/C++, C#, Assembler and Java. It is separated from "Source Editor". So it has the same parts for...


thinBasic 1.5

thinBasic is a Basic like language interpreter. Its target is to have a scripts text file to be interpreted and executed immediately by a simple double click or by an automated scheduled tasks. More than 500 predefined keywords. All main program flow:...


CodeSimian 0.65

CodeSimian is a self-modifying JAR file, an interpreted/scripted programming-language made with Java 1.5, free to use and modify under any GNU GPL 2+ license, for building Artificial-Intelligence, A-Life, chatbots that use letters to write sentences...

AstroChip is a language for modeling chips including a short introduction to chip design. You can use it for learning the first basics of chip design. An intelligent compiler helps finding errors and chips can be tested.Requirements:Windows...

This tool will install the latest hotfixes for Borland Developer Studio 2006 Update 2. Automatically patch you IDE and backup all the files before applying hotfixes. It Safe, efficient and tested by our team. Make your Borland Developer Studio 2006 work...

Blasm IDE

Blasm IDE 1.09.10 build 0041

An assembler with IDE. This assembler supports Intel and AMD instructions, and can write Binary, Boot Sectors, COM and EXE-files. You can also add/modify instructions, headers, output formats, registers, ModR/M tables, CPUs if you want to make...

FTN77, the Salford Fortran 77 compiler for 32-bit Intel microprocessor systems represents a significant advance for Fortran programmers. It provides fast compilation speed and a range of diagnostic, development and optimization facilities which together...

Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, extensible, and...

Open Watcom is a joint effort between SciTech Software, Sybase, and the Open Source development community to maintain and enhance the Sybase Watcom C/C++ compiler products. The core tools in the package permit cross-platform development that allows...