The Revoltage Toolbar has such features: Web Search, Useful links, e-mail notifyer. Enter your e-mail address and it'll automatically tell you when you have new mail. Just click on it to view your e-mails. Chat Room. Weather for your region, very precise...

Allows the user to save his favorite sites in very organized way and allow to open multiple sites from the same category in one click only. Another important value is that each user got its own bookmarks organized in its personal file under its user, and...

Email Warden protects your email address from sites that sell your real email address to Spammers. Now you can enter your email anywhere and not worry about your email address attracting spammers. If an Email Alias starts getting spammed, you can simply...

My Wedding Toolbar add on is for Internet Explorer. Firefox version also available. All your favorite wedding links, wedding info, bride's chat, search, weather, radio, and email in this toolbar. No SPAM or hidden files or programs just the cool wedding...