Responsive design is a web design principle for loading content that fits perfectly on the device it is being viewed on.The plugin implements this principle on images, always resizing them to fit the present viewport.It works in real-time, resizing the...

Images are tilted by a given angle using CANVAS or VML for IE and CSS.The effect can be applied on page load or while hovering the photo.The plugin uses jQuery namespace and should be compatible with older versions.What is new in this release:Fixed a flow...

Fullscreenr allows developers to use any image they like as a full-page background.The image will automatically scale and center in the browser window, based on the viewport size.Resizing the window automatically triggers an update to the background...

Hover-Zoom is a jQuery plugin to provide a zoom effect while hovering an image.Pressing "B" while a hover panel is visible closes the image preview and allows the user to view the rest of the page unimpeded. Pressing "B" again will reactivate the image...

jQuery.mapmark can overlay tooltips on top of image hot spots, for showing extra details, instructions, explanations or just fun facts about that section of the image.The hot spots are easy to position, along with the content of the tooltip.jQuery.mapmark...


tEffects 1.0

tEffects allows developers to replace the clunky and often CPU-heavy JavaScript-based image transitions used in image slideshows.tEffects relies solely on CSS 3 transforms and transitions to animate images in and out of a container.Examples and usage...

For people not familiar with the iPhoto effect, it consists of a quick slideshow of images contained in a folder when the mouse hovers the respective folder. jQuery.iFoto mimics this same effect when hovering the mouse over an image, showing a fast...

It supports a various range of transitions, content animations, custom controls and more.Call Jquery UI to enable many different additional transition types and easing methods.PHP can also be used to draw images from an external folder.Options including...