Yahoo Funny can send fun effect, fun image, fun picture, it's free 100%. You can send all emoticon (hidden) and over 50 fun effect & picture. It's very cool and require for your Yahoo Messenger. Download Yahoo Funny and you can send your heart to your...

AutoInsult is a fun little program that generates insults for you in a variety of styles. It then copies them into the clipboard (as text) so that you can paste them into e-mails, documents, or wherever else a good insult might be needed. You can also get...

Dirty Mouse is a desktop prank that simulates the mouse ball is dirty. How many times have you tried to move your mouse and it does not move? Most people remove the mouse ball to ensure that it is clean and there is nothing preventing the mouse from...


Avoid 1.0

With this fun joke program you can make your Windows Start button avoid your mouse clicks. Just launch this program and watch as your Start button jumps away from your mouse cursor as you try and click on it. This program will bring hours of enjoyment to...