A massive cookbook of healthy Dog Food Recipes including ingredients & directions. The I-Love-Dogs.com Dog Food Recipes Cookbook has over 60 dog food & treat recipes listed so you can explore, learn and cook. Very relavent with the latest pet food scare....

Eight Freeware programs in one for kids of all ages that teach 700 of the most used words in English and basic math skills with on-screen objects. Try to do math with a broken calculator. Increase your reading speed a fun way.What is new in this...

This program allows the user to draw pictures by controlling a worm using the arrow keys. Your original picture can then be saved and printed. This software is suitable for children from the ages of three to six (although parents may enjoy it...

Teach your first and second grade math students to solve addition problems. This new revision has additional features that allows the user to selection numeric ranges for addition based on the students grade or ability. The timer selection can also be...