
Boolball 0.6

Boolball is a nice game where you have to drop balls in a field of obstacles to score points. Two players each have a row of balls located at the top of the screen, which can be dropped into a field of obstacles. Players take turns dropping one of their...

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Batalla Naval is a networked, multiplayer battleship game. It has robots, and support for GGZ Gaming Zone and for IPv6.The game has two versions:The old version called 'batnav' includes an ncurses server and clients for ncurses, xview, win31 and gtk.The...

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GXMame 0.35 beta2

GXMame is a frontend for XMame using the GTK library, the goal is to provide the same GUI than mame32. For the moment it will just have the same gui, the final goal is to be able to share config files with Mame32k (or any version of mame32 that write...

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KMines 2.1.5

KMines is an adaptation of the classic Minesweeper game.You must uncover all the empty cases without blowing on a mine. When you uncover a case, a number appears : it indicates how many mines surround this case.If there is no number the neighbour cases...

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Hearts 1.98

Hearts is a little card game for four persons.A computer version of the game comes with Microsoft Windows and is a pretty popular little thing. When I switched to using Linux, I really wanted to play it, but I didn't find anything at all, so I decided to...

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Spacehulk 1.5 beta1

Space Hulk is a great board game of Games Workshop in the world of Warhammer 40000. This is a two player turn-based game where one play the 'Marine', the other play the alien called 'Genestealer'. If you need more infos on the game, you can get the...

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MahJongg Solitaire 3D is an OpenGL enhanced solitaire version of the ancient chinese board game "Mah Jongg".This is a solitaire version of Mah Jongg, it can be played by a single player. It has a fresh new three dimensional view from which you can look at...

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This is an adapted, improved version of the popular javacave game, written in QtRuby.Installation:downloadchmod +x snake(gl).rbrun it.Requirements:· Qt3· Ruby· QtRuby bindings Don't know which specific versions (I use the latest ones and...

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Asymptopia BlackJack is a full-featured casino-style blackjack game written in Python using PyGame for graphics.You play with up to 6 robots against the dealer. You can specify which player is you. It is dynamic, addictive, and you don't lose real...

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LBreakout 010315

LBreakout is a breakout-style arcade game in the manner of Arkanoid. Use your paddle to aim a ball at bricks until all bricks are destroyed.Lots of power-ups will help you with that task: extra balls, energy balls, extra lifes, weapons, glue, bonus...

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