You've found a rock in front of you; pick it up. It's now your best friend, and as you've been alone for so long, it is a welcome sight for your lonely eyes. He's the perfect vision of a best friend and all you've wanted for a very long time. What will...

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Dark Saga

Dark Saga 1.0

Multiplayer preview of up and coming game, Dark Saga! You must defend the hole in space time...but watch out for the Dark Ones!! Made in under 48 hours, at the Global Game Jam Site in St. Louis, MO. Domination currently does not work, it's pretty much...

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Duality 1.0

A 2D platformer-puzzle game, with minimalistic artstyle about our inner conflicts. 2 worlds, 2 characters, 2 finish lines. Moving one character changes the other world's formation and vice-versa. Can you get both characters to their finish...

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The game is a platformer where each character sees the game world differently. Movement - W,A,S,D. Switch dimensions - Q, Jump - Space, Shoot - Left Ctrl. The game looks like basic console games; the player interacts with geometric shapes like triangles,...

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The Test

The Test 4.2.0

The Test is a plataformer/puzzle game about cooperation and perspective. Two players must use their particular vision of the test environment in order to avoid the traps set to make them fail, helping each other along the...

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Call it X

Call it X 4.3.3

Call it X is an aerial perspective shooter where enemies and allies are not so diferent. The player shoots enemies with a gun that has a laser guide. The game belongs to a genre that is a mixture of an action game and a thrid person shooter. The player...

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Use movement keys W,A,S,D to direct your way, to rotate the figures and to reach the end of the level. The game allows for an aerial, third person perspective with the option to change the degree of camera...

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There's a thief in the office, find him before he steals everything. A and D to move left and right. Mouse to click on the thief, 10 second penalty if...

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