Flash 32 XV7

Flash 32 XV7 2.05 Build 1

Flash 32 XV7 to create interesting training documents, collaborative design work, IT bug reports, and more. Take control on your PrintScreen key to grab anything on the fly, the whole screen a window, an active field in the window, a dynamic or fixed...

WMS Log Analyzer visitor activity analysis application for your Microsoft Windows Media Services. Unlike other analyzers, WMS Log Analyzer has been designed especially for analyzing Windows Media Services log files and supports the entire set of Windows...

Gadget Builder allows you to create gadgets for Windows Vista sidebar in a matter of minutes. You can create fully branded Gadgets with your logo and links to your site and services. Add your RSS feed to notify users about your news. Version 1.1 add your...


PowerGadgets 1.0.2760

PowerGadgets is a data visualization, reporting, and monitoring product that utilizes Windows PowerShell, Microsoft's new scripting shell, to allow the creation of Gadgets in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server "Longhorn"....