Displays a fairly accurate representation of the moon on your desktop. It also displays two pages of information about the moon, it's current position, phase, age, and distance. Though the phase displayed is accurate, as is the angle of the cusps, and the...

Find all the Web podcast with the Live Search Podcast engine. Web results are directly displayed in the widget, without opening your browser. Number of results, language, and display can be personalized.What is new in this release:This version is the...

Simple widget displays a check or an x based on whether or not the word is found in the dictionary. Note: The widget doesn't automatically find the lists, you have to point it to the file.What is new in this release:This version is the first release on...

A widget to practice the foreign language of your choice. Choose from French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish. Set the size of the bar and the rate for displaying new translations. Great for studying on your desktop while you do other things....

A complement to Yahoo's popular Flickr photo sharing service, the new Flickr Widget allows you to display, upload, tag, and organize photos on Flickr, without ever opening a Web browser. Flickr fans will love the drag-and-drop upload tool that allows you...

With the new Yahoo Gallery Widget, you can get widgets faster than ever without even opening a Web browser. The Yahoo Gallery Widget allows you to search for widgets or browse the newest widgets by category. The mini version of this widget gives you an...

The Oddball Auctions Script will provide Web masters with easy to install, moneymaking, fresh daily content. The Oddball Auctions Script allows the Web master to choose how many funny eBay auctions they wish to display in their sidebar. Oddball Auctions...

CPU & Ram Meter is a small application which resides on your desktop and provides useful information about your computer's processor and memory usage, allowing you to optimally utilize your PC resources. Has a practical uptime meter measuring the time...