
CubicWeb 3.18.2

Built in object-oriented Python, it's made up of components named cubes, which adds functionality to the developer's project.Features:An engine driven by the explicit data model of the application A query language named RQL similar to W3C's SPARQL A...

Node Web Toolkit (NWT) is a collection of components on top of a super-lightweight framework core that reduces development time by cutting out repetitive wireframing operations.Developers can simply deploy NWT and add the components they see fit for their...


Alloy 0.8.0

Built around a REST-centered architecture, it allows programmers to quickly get started working on a project with minimal or no setup.Features:Lightweight Modular organization Hierarchical MVC (HMVC) REST-centered Command line ready Requirements:PHP 5.3.2...

Tumbleplate (formerly known as Tumblr Boilerplate) gathers together all the basic features a professional Tumblr theme will ever need, on which developers can code and add their very own features.There are no CSS styles included, only a basic CSS reset,...


Gillie 0.2.1

Using the MVC development paradigm is usually done via complex, bulky JavaScript frameworks that are not only hard to code with, but also come with lots of drawbacks like immense documentation pages, huge file size, and a steep learning curve.Gillie adds...


abaaso 3.11.12

Crafted to be lightweight in size and powerful enough to support complex, enterprise level Web applications, abaaso brings the power of OOP (object-oriented programming) to JavaScript.With support for desktops environments, smartphones, smart TVs, tablets...


Olives 3.0.8 updated

Examples and documentation can be found on Olives' website.What is new in this release:Doc update. What is new in version 3.0.5:Doc update. What is new in version 2.0.0:The OObject doesn't create or hold a reference to a Store by default. What is new...


Nombo 1.6.0

nCombo can be used to create applications that specifically target cloud computing infrastructures, while also providing all the frontend and backend utilities that normal applications provide.Besides the framework core, lots of other open-source...


extend.js 0.2.0

As extend.js' name hints, the framework is mainly meant to extend existing namespaces.It is very small in size and works by creating and manipulating nested namespaces.What is new in this release:Extend now accepts multiple arguments. What is new in...