
Sinatra 1.4.7 updated

When it first launched, Sinatra was 1% the size of its main competitor: Ruby on Rails. This was because Sinatra was created to be a super-lightweight solution for the Ruby market which was and still is inundated with lots of frameworks with huge...


hr.js 1.1.7

hr.js uses Node.js for developing the application, but once finished, it can completely run on the client's side with no server-side JavaScript scripting needed.As most MVC-based frameworks, hr.js revolves around the concept of core and modules, a...


Ender 2.1.1

Ender is not a JavaScript framework in the traditional sense, but a way to build other JavaScript libraries from it.It's more a module framework for putting things together, running on Node.js by default, but with client side code also available.Ender...


Pomelo 1.2.1 / 2.0.0-pre updated

Specifically created for the new modern day game development market where HTML5 and Node.js are the new hot kids on the block, Pomelo merges these two new fashionable technologies, allowing developers to run multiplayer game servers on top of...


Geddy 13.0.8 updated

Geddy is inspired by Rails, Pylons, Merb and/or Django.Features: Content negotiation Flexible DSL for routes Models and validations Templates and partials Fast and flexible Powerful, flexible router Easy resource-based routing App and resource...


Xepler 1.5.0

Xepler is a tool that gathers together a series of Node.js utilities and functions that are needed on a regular basis when building websites that need to run on a Node infrastructure.By using Xepler developers have more time to focus on the application's...


Kango 1.8.0 updated

Kango is collection of JavaScript libraries for building browser add-ons with ease, that work on all browsers the same. The Kango framework is free to use for any non-commercial projects.What is new in this release:Firefox: Electrolysis...


Hydra.js 3.9.13

The beauty behind Hydra.js is that it enables developers to create very versatile systems right from the start.This is because Hydra.js encourages modular design patterns by the way it was built, forcing developers to use a better code organization with...


Knockback.js 1.0.0 updated

They are MVC, respective MVVM frameworks for JavaScript, but each one with its own features and approach to Web development. Knockback.js merges their code to provide a more complete development framework. Download the stand-alone version of...


Nervatura 1.2.0 updated

The Nervatura project is a Python framework for managing business databases.It can handle any type of business related information, starting from client and customer details, up to shipping, stock or payment information.When used properly, Nervatura will...