
Zip-Ada 4.5

Zip-Ada is a programming library for dealing with the Zip compressed archive file format. The full sources of Zip-Ada are in Ada, compilable on every compiler and for every system. with this library you can zip and unzip data without any OS-dependent...


AutoZIP 2.1

AutoZIP is a compression utility witch allows to compress a single file in a ZIP archive. After compression, AutoZIP sets creation, last access and last changed date as the same values of the source file.It comes in two flavors: Graphical (GUI) for...


ZipX 1.0

ZipX is a simple application used to extract files from a compressed file. You can also encrypt your archives directly from the main window. Enter the password and select encrypt option to encrypt the...


UnZipLite 0.2

UnzipLite is a free compression and encryption program. You can create and open zip, rar, tar gzip and 7zip files! UnzipLite can open ZIP files and it can also open RAR files. The following file types can be uncompressed (or extracted). It can also be...

FastPack uses a brand new method of Packing, where your file is utterly compressed at one fell swoop, and stored inside a loader (or "stub"). Upon running, the stub will decompress your file in memory and run it. It will also deter evildoers to...

This lightweight and easy to use program puts all the power of Zip and Unzip into the right mouse button. If you want to create a Zip file, all you have to do is select one or more files and right-click. Your Zip will be created with speed and precision,...