
DrWindows 1.05.1

Dr.Windows is a joke program that displays funny fake windows error messages at random times. They look just like the real windows error messages you know and love except they are funnier. You can use it to play tricks on people. Make your own custom...

GNU Solfege

GNU Solfege

GNU Solfege is a program that will help you to accomplish ear training. The program includes exercises to train chords, intervals, and rhythms. The program can be extended by users using lesson files.What is new in this release:Version has fixed...

miniKeys Piano is a virtual piano for Windows that comes with its own high-quality piano sounds. It is playable with a computer keyboard, a mouse, or both at the same time. The sounds were recorded at 16 bits, 22,050Hz.Requirements:DirectX 5.0 or...



Prepare a trip on any map from a scanner. Obtain total distances and elevations in a flash (some altitudes have to be set). Print a personalized map at any scale for terrain use. Send or receive data with a Garmin or Magellan GPS receiver (but you can use...

MB Free Gemology is a complete gemology reference tool. It is an advanced yet a simple-to-use software, which generates a reading for a person related to a detailed study about the gemstones which are most suitable for him based on his Sun Sign, Moon Sign...