Chien Tung divination is a Chinese divination system that gives you an impression of the situations around you. You will also gain an idea about the future prospects and opportunities in your life. Chien Tung divination lets you know what opportunities...

Ba Zi

Ba Zi 1.0

Feng Shui Ba Zi is based on the Chinese five element theory, Ba Zi is a part of the ancient Chinese astrology that is popularly known as 'The Four Pillars of Destiny'. Ba Zi essentially deals with solving the mysteries of life with the help of birth...

Music therapy can be made to bring down the tension in your mind, and thereby, can help you get rid of mental stress and hypertension. Again, the effects of music therapy can also help you work on your communication skills. Let us categorically present...

Bhava lagna or bhava ascendant happens to be one of the most significant ascendants according to Vedic astrology. Bhava Lagna is extremely important in astrology as it explains how you use strength and energy in personal as well as professional life. The...