ETXT 1.0

ETXT is a tool to write and share your secret notes. You can write and share notes with anyone on the internet or by email, on forums, blogs, website, and file hosting service. Only who have ETXT can read the text encrypted. ETXT can also convert normal...

CryptSharp is an application crypts password. It provides a number of password crypt algorithms: BCrypt, LDAP, MD5 (and Apache's htpasswd variant), PHPass (WordPress, phpBB, Drupal), SHA256 and SHA512, and Traditional and Extended DES. Additionally it...


ExeLock 5.0

KaKa ExeLock is a useful tool, which allows you to password protect Windows executable programs. Support locking 32 or 64 bits Program. The protected exe file will still work fine in a different machine. Safe and efficient. Not run in the background to...