Epubor Reader

Epubor Reader

Epubor Reader enables you to read ePub, PDF, Mobi ebooks in one application on computer, it's convenient for readers who have multiple formats of eBooks. It also supports: AZW, AZW3, AZW4, PRC, TXT, HTMLz, TPZ, Topaz. When read an eBook with Epubor...

The Taskbar Reader is the perfect app for finishing the last pages of your book in the office while still looking busy. As the name suggests it hides by default as an icon in the Taskbar, and you have three reading options: a) a straightforward reading...

As you age, your skin undergoes progressive changes: The cells divide more slowly, and the inner layer of skin (the dermis) starts to thin. Fat cells beneath the dermis begin to shrink. In addition, the ability of the skin to repair itself decreases...