
cartouche 0.9

Sphinx is a popular tool for documenting Python APIs which uses reStructuredText as a its lightweight markup language. Sphinx extends restructured text with semantic markup elements for documenting Python APIs but when these are used the ratio of markup...

sphinxcontrib-issuetracker is a Sphinx extension that parses textual issue references like #10 and turns these into references into an issue tracker.Currently the following issue trackers are supported: * GitHub * BitBucket *...

sphinxtheme.readability is a Sphinx Readability theme that provides a comfortably reading environment for your documentation.This theme is inspired by Readability.InstallationInstalling this sphinx theme is simply: pip install...

sphinxcontrib-coffee is a Sphinx extension that adds a CoffeeScript domain with autodoc support to Sphinx.This relies on coffeedoc_ to extract source comments from ``.coffee`` files. To install coffeedoc globally::  npm install -g coffeedoc.....


Cross-LFS 1.2.0

Cross-LFS stands for Cross Linux From Scratch (CLFS) and is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own customized Linux system entirely from source.Why would I want a CLFS system?Many wonder why they should go through...

sphinxcontrib-programoutput is a Sphinx extension that executes programs during the build step and includes their output into the documentation. It supports the sphinxcontrib-ansi extension to turn colored output of programs in pretty-formatted...


dm.zdoc 2.0

dm.zdoc is a tiny Python wrapper around pydoc to make it usable for Zope.Note: Python versions below 2.6 lack good support for namespace packages in pydoc. While Zope itself does not use namespace packages before version 2.12 (which uses Python 2.6),...

sphinxcontrib-httpdomain is a Sphinx extension that provides a Sphinx domain for describing RESTful HTTP APIs.You can find the documentation from the following URL:"...